General Population Programming

  • Strength

    Research shows that stronger people live healthier and happier lives. Building strength is at the foundation of my training philosophy, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to be looking like the Incredible Hulk (unless that’s what you want). It just means that you will be strong enough to face anything life throws your way.

  • Fitness

    Fitness is what keeps you going. Whether you’re looking to run around after the grandkids or run your first marathon, it’s fitness that will get you there. Fitness is also what’s going to help boost your metabolism and ward off many of the chronic diseases that are so prevalent in today’s world.

  • Wellness

    There is more to life than just being strong and fit. In addition to traditional programming, you’ll be given tools and strategies to help combat issues outside of the gym that might wear you down. Prescribed down regulation techniques such as mobility work, breath work, and mindfulness will be a part of your program.

Today is the day.

There is no better time to take hold of your health and fitness than today. Whether you’re a seasoned gym rat or you’re brand new to working out, where you are now is just the beginning of the story. You’ll look back at it in awe when you see how far you’ve gone, but you have to start going!

Remove the worry.

The internet is full of options for you to get in shape. But none of those plans are specifically designed to your needs and many of those plans are written by under-qualified individuals. Why waste time worrying if what you’re doing is the best thing for you? Offload that stress on to me so you can spend all your energy pursuing your goals.

Make the choice.